scenario driven
We propose a risk scenario driven approach.
In a first information gathering meeting (or call) we generate an understanding what attack scenarios are to be assumed for your organisation.
Doing this allows to choose the exactly right service package for you.
Overpreparing puts effort where it is of no use – underpreparing means putting your organisation at risk.
So: choosing the right amount and type of protection is the first important step to your cyber security strategy.
Here you see a very rough categorization of scenarios so you get an idea. We get more detailed when talking together.
untargeted external
The “script kiddie scenario”: you dont expect to be an explicit target but you still expose services like web, mail, ftp to the public that might pop up when hackers do automated scans.
targeted external
In addition to the untargeted scenario you expect your organisation to be an explicit target for certain entities. In addition to automated scans individual attacs are to be expected
targeted internal
THe nature of your business demands to also assume an attacker that acts from the inside.
This might be due to stuff fluctuation or legal requirements.